Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Global Express - Mid May Issue

Hi!  Welcome back to our Global Village and this issue of Global Express!   My apologies for not getting an issue out in the mail last week but time quite simply just got away from me and I hope you enjoy this issue.  Our newsletter is published by the members of the World Wide Web Circle of Friends for the members of the World Wide Web Circle of Friends about the members of the World Wide Web Circle of Friends. We are everyday people doing extraordinary things on the web!  Thank you for your contributions to this week's issue.  It really would be lovely to get stories and pictures from each of you to share in our issues.

A bit of a recap from my corner of the globe.  The job training programme that I am in is  going well -- we are in week 4 now.  Only a few more days to go until graduation (May 28).  Training is now from 5 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. so that means I have to be up, bright eyed and bushy tailed, at 3:30 in the morning.  Day one of this early shift was somewhat difficult, I must admit, but this old body is adjusting more and more each day.  With the lovely weather we have been enjoying lately here on Paradise Island I must admit that it is very special to be off work at 1:30 pm  as there is plenty of time to enjoy it.

For those of you who celebrated Mother's Day this past weekend .... how was your day?  Mine was absolutely splendid.  Kendra and family were not sure they would be able to come over on Mother's Day so they popped by on Friday evening with a lovely greeting card and a Timmies Gift Card!  Saturday I was off to a dog show with Yvonne, my eldest daughter and Norman and family also stopped by to what Ben in the show ring.  On the way home we stopped off at Transfer Beach in Ladysmith for a picnic .... Norman picked up a bucket of KFC chicken for us to feast on.   The handsome boy in the stroller is my grandson, Kesler, who will be one year old in July, so hard to believe!  Transfer Beach has a wonderful playground for the children so Kadynce did her best to keep me busy there.  It was a delightful day.

On Sunday, Yvonne and I were off to another dog show.  This time Ben won Best of Breed and he got several ribbons and his first point towards his Canadian Championship.  We were in the ring early in the morning and we were home before lunch.  I thought I would have the rest of the day to rest but happily it was not meant to be.  Norman and family stopped in with two beautiful hanging flower baskets and a quick visit.  They had no sooner left when Kendra and family came by. and we enjoyed a Chinese Food dinner followed by a Dairy Queen Ice Cream cake.  I am blessed and I am so grateful for my family.

While on the subject of families I would like to share these tips from my much older brother, Wayne and his lovely wife, Jenny.

This gives us something to think about with all our new electronic technology.
Someone had their car broken into while they were at a football game. Their car was parked on the green which was adjacent to the football stadium and specially allotted to football fans. Things stolen from the car included a garage door remote control, some money and a GPS which had been prominently mounted on the dashboard.
When the victims got home, they found that their house had been ransacked and just about everything worth anything had been stolen..
The thieves had used the GPS to guide them to the house. They then used the garage remote control to open the garage door and gain entry to the house.
The thieves knew the owners were at the football game, they knew what time the game was scheduled to finish and so they knew how much time they had to clean out the house. It appeared that they had brought a truck to empty the house of its contents.
Something to consider if you have a GPS - don't put your home address in it. Put a nearby address (like a store or gas station) so you can still find your way home if you need to, but no one else would know where you live if your GPS were stolen.
I would never have thought of this.......
This lady has now changed her habit of how she lists her names on her mobile phone after her handbag was stolen. Her handbag, which contained her cell phone, credit card, wallet... etc... was stolen.
20 minutes later when she called her hubby, from a pay phone telling him what had happened, hubby says 'I received your text asking about our Pin number and I've replied a little while ago.'
When they rushed down to the bank, the bank staff told them all the money was already withdrawn. The thief had actually used the stolen cell phone to text 'hubby' in the contact list and got hold of the pin number.
Within 20 minutes the thief had withdrawn all the money from their bank account.
Moral of the lesson:
Do not disclose the relationship between you and the people in your contact list.
Avoid using names like Home, Honey, Hubby, Sweetheart, Dad, Mom, etc....
And very importantly, when sensitive info is being asked through texts, CONFIRM by calling back.

Also, when you're being text by friends or family to meet them somewhere, be sure to call back to confirm that the message came from
 them. If you don't reach them, be very careful about going places to meet 'family and friends' who text you.
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY for those celebrated last Sunday
We had a busy week with concerts, and I made this simple banner which was appreciated. Everything is pinned on...LOL  
Mother's Day is not a big deal for me, though I have a parcel from Rob and Emi in the post today, and expect phone calls on Sunday morning before we go to church.
No family gathering as everyone is so far away.

"Bible Verses for Mother's Day: Philippians 4:4-7
Paul began the encouraging Bible verse above by writing the following words which also offer encouragement, but also instructions for finding strength, joy, and peace.
Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice!
Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near.

Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving; 
let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 4:4-7"
 Jan from the Land Down Under
Happy Mothers Day to all you mothers, grandmothers, aunts, caregivers and more! Whether you raised children, are raising children, or were once a little monster darling yourself, you might appreciate these words, redefined for parents from Lena in Ontario!

DUMBWAITER: one who asks if the kids would care to order dessert.

FEEDBACK: the inevitable result when the baby doesn't appreciate the strained carrots.

FULL NAME: what you call your child when you're mad at him.

GRANDPARENTS: the people who think your children are wonderful even though they're sure you're not raising them right.

HEARSAY: what toddlers do when anyone mutters a dirty word.

INDEPENDENT: how we want our children to be as long as they do everything we say.

OW: the first word spoken by children with older siblings

PUDDLE: a small body of water that draws other small bodies wearing dry shoes into it.

SHOW OFF: a child who is more talented than yours.

STERILIZE: what you do to your first baby's pacifier by boiling it, and to your last baby's pacifier by blowing on it and wiping it with saliva.

TOP BUNK: where you should never put a child wearing Superman jammies.

TWO-MINUTE WARNING: when the baby's face turns red and she begins to make those familiar grunting noises.

VERBAL: able to whine in words

WHODUNIT: none of the kids that live in your house
Last Saturday (May 5th) I had the honour and privilege of volunteering for Harvest House Food Bank's (Chemainus/Crofton) Fill the Bus Fundraiser.
Another volunteer took a bunch of pictures and created a slideshow. I thought perhaps you'd like to include it in the newsletter.  Just an FYI, I volunteer every Monday at the Food Bank here in Crofton, and I have to tell you it is a very rewarding and fun experience.  Bigsis Pat

Some good news: Mar del Plata has finally decided to go “green”, and as from today we have to separate our trash at home putting into green bags, paper, card, glass, metal and plastic. No big deal, I have half heartedly been separating this stuff for some time, and every time I had enough, and put it out, someone always took it, not necessarily the official collectors. Then for a time, we had  bottle banks set up in strategic parts of the city, but people stuffed just about anything in them and one day they were all removed. Now they have been giving this move wide publicity for over a month, and since they started I have been seriously separating these things. It’s amazing how much plastic we use, drink bottles, cleaning goods, car needs, personal hygiene etc.  Leaflets and a symbolic green bag ( very thin, and hardly big enough for three plastic bottles)  was issued to everyone, but up to the date I haven’t found any store that sells green bags. Some don’t even know what I’m talking about, so much for publicity!!
Another thing is, that crates of fruit and veg must now be indoors, instead of on display on the pavement. When Sharon was here she showed a lot of interest in this way of selling what naturally is  an outdoor product. Greengrocers, of, course, protested saying that they would not sell so much if it wasn’t on display, and in some cases they are allowed to have a frame of crates taking up no more than 90cm width of the pavement,  as long as the  pavement is still wide enough for pedestrian circulation. In my case, I still get a visit 2 or 3 times a week from a Bolivian, who covers my area with fresh fruit and veg from a small holding he and his family run just outside the city.

A week or two ago I went with my daughter Romina to an Irish music show, we both enjoyed it, as this kind of music is not very popular around here, so is not very common. Last night Leo and I went to one of Russian music put on by the army band, to celebrate the Russian victory at the end of the 2nd World War, with the presence of Russian, Polish, Croatians and their descendents who came to Argentina after the war. The show wasn’t quite what I expected and most of it was carried out in Russian language, with the interpreter too far from the microphone for us to hear what she said anyway! The music was by the army band, and I could have listened to the Russian tenor all night, even if I didn’t understand a word! The entry to this show was a packet of non perishable food, and , since they didn’t say who they were collecting it for, it just occurred to me that perhaps the military budget cuts are now so stiff, that they have to play to get food donations, LOL.

In the afternoon we had the family round, making us seven. My son brought his little dog, Laguna, with them and she and  my Daisy had a great time chasing each other around the house. 20 minutes after they left here, I got a photo of Laguna  just as she had arrived at their house, knockout! Daisy took a bit longer to find out she too was tired out, so then I could come into messenger where I was lucky to chat with Sharon, and Jan in Australia who by then was already into Monday, having just had Mother’s day, and Sharon was into that. It came up about the different times Mother’s Sunday is, March in England, October down here, and May just about everywhere else, and they wondered why England had it March. Well, that one is easy, Father’s day is almost universally the 3rd Sunday in June, so, it stands to reason that Mother’s Day is nine months later!!!

Next  couple of weekends, coming up to the May Revolution Anniversary again, we have more shows on the agenda. Saturday midday there is something on where Bolivians and Chileans will also be taking part (both neighbouring countries of Argentina) After that we again have to work on a couple of hundred plus of Leo’s world famous pasties for the Sunday when our dance group has a pasty and chicken party for 100. The Salta residents club is also planning a party for early June, I have just been asked to  draw up and print out the tickets, as I usually do. ( I also get to be in charge of the drinks)  It was joked I should write around 500 words of my activities, so, how did I do?

Just Chatted with Sylvie, she and her companion are coming here 13th Dec, for a month yoohooo!!!
We have welcomed into our family a new puppy, Miss Daisy Mae Zimmer. She is a Havanese and is eight months. She weighs barely eight pounds but will weigh between nine and eleven pounds as an adult. She is white with a touch of beige on her ear tips and feet. I had fallen in love with this breed at the dog park. In fact, the Havanese that Dorothy ( our Cairn ) played with at the park looks identical to Miss Daisy. Another Havanese that Dorothy met at the park went into Lowes and Michael fell in love with this breed on the spot. We have been trying for months to find a small rescue dog here with no luck. Most were over ten years and we wanted a dog for Dorothy to play with as she is only two. He called  home and asked me to find us a Havanese. I got in contact with the Havanese Rescue and was guided to the web site where I found Miss Daisy. She was flown in May 4. She didn't seem too nervous about the flight but I sure was. Twenty-five minutes after her plane landed, I fell in love. She is so sweet, gentle and loving. She  has a strange little body. Her body is long and reminds you of a ferret's body and her hair is like silk. Dorothy has taken right to her. I bit of jealousy at first over chew bones but no more. Everything is shared with her new sister, including sleeping with mommy. Pleased to say, she is housebroken also. Maxwell knows there is a new puppy in the house but doesn't care one way or the other. His health is rapidly declining and we know we will lose him soon. Below is a bit of history on the Havanese breed. The dog has a very interesting beginning.
The Havanese is the National dog of Cuba and its only native breed. The flag of Spain was first raised over Cuba by Christopher Columbus in November of 1492. In the ten years following, colonization was begun on the island by Spain, who owned it for the better part of the next four hundred years.The first settlers came from two distinct classes- farmers primarily from the island of Tenerife, and the "segundos", or second sons of the Spanish aristocracy. Ship's logs of the early sixteenth century reveal that dogs were brought along on these early colonists' voyages, and logic tells us they were most likely the dog of Tenerife, common ancestor to all the Bichon family. Because of the draconian trade restrictions imposed on its colonies by Spain, Tenerife remained one of the only ports open to Cuba for trade, and it would appear these little dogs, who soon found their way into the homes of the resident Spanish aristocracy, developed without much outside influence. They did, however, develop in response to the climate of this tropical island. The Havanese of today is still a remarkably heat-tolerant little dog, due in no small part to the unique coat. Once called the Havana Silk Dog, or the Spanish Silk Poodle, the coat is like raw silk floss, profuse, but extremely light and soft, and insulating against the tropical rays in much the same way that yards of silk sari protect the women of India. In its native country, the coat was never clipped for this reason, and the hair never tied into a topknot, as the Cubans believe it protects the eyes from the harsh sun.

In spite of the trade restrictions, Colonial Cuba developed and prospered. By the 18th
Century, it was the cultural center of the New World, with an elegance that surpassed anything the British had managed in ITS colonies! The aristocracy of Europe found the city of Havana to be a great vacation spot, with its operas, theatres and palacios. On their return to Europe, they brought back the little Dog of Havannah, which found favor in the courts of Spain, France and England. In both Spain and in the court of Louis XVI, they were shorn in the manner of poodles, and were much admired for their diminutive size.  The English, on the other hand, appeared to leave them au natural, and called them the white Cuban, although they were as often found in parti-colors and shades of fawn.

By the mid-eighteenth century, they were downright trendy in Europe. Queen Victoria owned two and Charles Dickens had one, beloved of his seven children and named Tim. They were exhibited in the early European dog shows and type was well-established. In Cuba meanwhile, the times were changing. The aristocracy of the sugar barons was dying out and a new class was emerging, the bourgeoisie, and the little dog of Havana, adaptable as always, became a family dog extraordinaire, playmate of children, watchdog, and herder of the family poultry flock. It is a position he has held there for the past hundred and fifty years.

With the advent of the Cuban revolution, the class of Cubans who owned Havanese was the first to leave. A handful of them found their way to this country, and by the end of the 70's a gene pool was being rebuilt. All the Havanese in the world today, save those from the "iron curtain" countries and those remaining in Cuba, stem from those 11 little immigrants. Remarkably, through all their travels, Havanese type has remained virtually unchanged from that of the dogs painted in the eighteenth century. To preserve it now and for the future is the challenge.

“One day at a time - this is enough.
Do not look back and grieve over the past,
for it is gone: and do not be troubled

about the future, for it has not yet come.
Live in the present, and make it so
beautiful that it will be worth remembering."
 ~ Ida Scott Taylor
Well it is time to say so long until the next issue of Global Express.  I hope you have enjoyed reading this issue and once again I am so very sorry for it being so late that I have combined two issues into one.  My wish for  you is to be safe and well.  Thank you for the lovely stories sent in for this issue and I hope to receive a lot more in the coming days to publish in our next issue.  There is a long weekend coming up this weekend and I will be spending some time with my mother and brother in Victoria on Sunday.

Joanne sends along some fun and great music for our enjoyment.  (You will notice a couple of really different instruments!) Welcome to the Bier Garten!  Turn up your speakers and enjoy!

Sticks in a bundle cannot be broken.
Bondei Proverb

Monday, May 7, 2012

Global Express - First Issue for May, 2012

Hi!  Welcome back to our Global Village and this first issue of Global Express for the month of  Mayl, 2012! Our newsletter is published by the members of the World Wide Web Circle of Friends for the members of the World Wide Web Circle of Friends about the members of the World Wide Web Circle of Friends. We are everyday people doing extraordinary things on the web!  Thank you for your contributions to this week's issue.  It really would be lovely to get stories and pictures from each of you to share in our issues.

Messages from our members

Isn't it marvelous to read about other people places in this lovely world. I specially enjoyed Graeme's stories and photos this week.  People's recipes looked delicious too, I'll have to grab those and add them to the cookbook with photos!  Daphne in Argentina

I would like to begin this issue with a short discussion on happiness as that is my wish for you today is for you to be happy.  There is always something to be happy about.  Look about you with a positive mindset and find one thing that makes you happy and tell us about it.  What is happiness? This question has no straightforward answer, because the meaning of the question itself is unclear.  I found the following quote explains it as well, if not better, than any dictionary definition:

Happiness is like time and space; we make and measure it ourselves —George Du Maurier

And of course a picture says a thousand words

Here is happiness at its finest through the face of my granddaughter Rebekah as she rides her big girl bicycle on the road for the very first time!!!!

 Speaking of bicycles (and happiness) ................... our friend Jan from the land down under is a very happy
cyclist now with her brand new bicycle -- do ask her all about it.

Hometown Pictures

Here is a new section in the newsletter that I would encourage all of you to participate in.  Please send in a picture of something in your town to publish.

This segment starts off this week with a picture from Jan.

Hometown pic, our local church with hall in right foreground.

Another new segment to the newsletter is ........

Local Events

Is there (or was there recently) an event in your corner of the globe that you would like to share with us.  Send it in to Global Express and I will be so happy to publish it.

Restoration of the most valuable painting in Australia


 Jan reports that this past week the National Gallery of Victoria unveiled Nicolas Poussin’s The Crossing of the Red Sea’ after an intensive, twelve-month conservation project. The painting is one of the NGV’s, and arguably Australia’s, finest European masterpieces. It was painted by Poussin in 1633-34 along with its companion piece The Adoration of the Golden Calf, which is housed in the National Gallery in London. (size155.6 x 215.3 cm)

Jan adds that she loves the huge paintings at the galleries that depict scenes or landscapes, rather than the abstracts and I so agree!  Do you?  Or do you prefer the abstracts?

Our Library

Australian Pat Farmer's 21,000-kilometre Pole to Pole Run, dedicated to raising funds for the Red Cross, began at the North Pole in April 2011 and took him through Canada, the United States, Central America and South America to his ultimate destination in the Antarctic, the South Pole.  His book is now being released..




 May Day the weather was lovely, mild and sunny so we took Daisy down to the coast to play on the beach, let her loose to run between us several hundred meters apart! Not too many people around, at least the part we went to, they were busy taking down the  rows of summer shelters.

Graeme from the land down under shares this picture of his nephew's husky pups and their bed which did not last too long but the puppies most certainly had fun he say, lol.   Graeme hopes that we have better luck with our pups and so far so good at this end!

Recipes, Recipes, Recipes

Jan's Impossible Pie

Jan says that recently her church bible study had lunch together at a member's home and she made her impossible pie.
4 eggs
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 and 1/2 cups milk
1/2 cup self raising flour
1 chopped onion
grated cheese
sliced tomato
salt and pepper
Bacon etc to taste. I used 4 slices short cut bacon (pictured below), 
6 small mushrooms sliced, 
1/2 head broccoli, 
1 stalk celery
(other options include asparagus, leftover chicken, grated zucchini, capsicum,  etc).
If adding moist ingredients, reduce the milk a little.
Preheat oven to 180C, prepare dish with baking paper or grease with butter.
Mix lightly beaten eggs, butter, milk, flour onion salt and pepper, selection -bacon etc.
Top with sliced tomato and grated cheese.
Bake for approx 45 mins.   May be served hot or cold.
(This recipe is a must try for me .... I will make it for dinner this month for sure, thank you Jan.  Does anyone else make something similar to this?  As for the short cut bacon, we have something very similar here in Canada commonly referred to here as Back Bacon and in other parts of the world, Canadian bacon.  It is closer to ham than it is to bacon. The meat is lean, slightly sweet, and juicy. Unlike regular "streaky" bacon, Canadian bacon does not crisp up in its own fat while it is being cooked. The meat is meant to be served in a soft, juicy stage of cooking, and it will be dry and tasteless if it is allowed to crisp up. It is also usually served in thicker wedges than those used for conventional bacon.  Are you familiar with the terms short cut bacon or back, aka Canadian, bacon?  Or what about the term rashers?)
Continuing on the topic of bacon.  Yvonne, my eldest daughter, sent this to me saying that this sounds good, hint, hint.

 Breakfast Bacon Cups

White or Wheat Bread
Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Maple Syrup
Salt & Pepper
(Note quantities not added. This will vary depending on how many you plan to make. It’s safe to estimate about 2-3 per person. )

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. While the oven is pre-heating partially cook the bacon for about 3-5 minutes in a large skillet set to medium-high. You want the bacon to be a little cooked but still pliable. Mix maple syrup and butter in a small sauce pan and heat over medium low so butter melts (you can’t mess this up so don’t worry about amounts too much., use ½ a stick of butter and a cup or so of syrup).

Using a cookie cutter, ravioli cutter, or whatever else you may have that can cut a 3 inch diameter circle—cut circles out of the bread slices.
Here comes the good part! Grease/non-stick spray muffin pan and line with bacon so that is circles each mold. Now, brush each side of the bread with the syrup/butter mixture and place in cup so that it rests evenly at the bottom of the mold. You may have to do a little trimming of the bread but it’s ok if it doesn’t fit perfectly either. Crack an egg into each mold, season with salt and pepper and give each cup a sprinkle of cheese (you can also add the cheese on top of bread, beneath the egg).
Place in oven for 7-8 mins. This is for a slightly runny egg. If you’re looking for a solid yoke cook for about 10 mins.

 Planet Kryzys

Canada - the Great Battery Roundup

Kudos to BCAA who is helping our planet and our communities!  BCAA is going to be helping us to rid our basements, garages and yards of old—and potentially hazardous—vehicle and marine batteries, and invites you—Member or not—to properly dispose of and recycle your old batteries during their 3rd annual Great Battery Roundup and for each battery collected, $5 will go towards the BCAA Road Safety Foundation to support Alexa's Bus; a mobile blood-alcohol testing unit designed and built to help law enforcement take impaired drivers off our roads.
(If you click on the Alex's Bus link you will be directed to a tragic story about Alexa Middelaer and I strongly recommend you have tissues handy.)
 Leaving used automotive or marine batteries in your yard or garage poses health and safety risks to you—and damages the environment.  Batteries contain toxic materials including lead and sulfuric acid. If old vehicle and marine batteries are not recycled properly, they could leak and contaminate the soil and groundwater, explode and cause a fire, or become a source of lead poisoning to humans and animals.
From June 6-19, bring your used vehicle and marine batteries to any participating BCAA approved Fountain Tire locations throughout the province to be properly disposed of and recycled—at no cost to you.  Once the batteries are collected, they will  get them delivered to an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulated recycling facility where they'll be recycled into new batteries. Eligible batteries are typically those that power cars, light trucks, campers, motorcycles and small boats.

Is an similar battery disposal programme operating in your corner of the globe?  If not contact your local automobile association and provide them with details of this programme and ask WHY NOT!


ARGENTINA (Daphne) --  Well down here, the other weekend we had a Salta residents  supper BBQ and pasties, that coincided with daughter in law's birthday get together, so after helping Leo and niece make up some 234 pasties, of which 2 dozen were reserved for the birthday, I went there and Leo to the BBQ ( round the corner from each other anyway) The first photo shows about 130 of the uncooked pasties.
2nd picture is Luz and her family present at the birthday Then this last weekend was a long weekend due to 1st May, with Monday being a "bridge" holiday to join May day to the weekend for tourist purposes - they calculated about 100,000 visitors this weekend.

Saturday it rained, Sunday we were the family at Romina's house, 7 people and six dogs- Romi's 2, her in-laws' 2, My Daisy and Ruben's Laguna all girls. No photos, forgot to take the camera, but in the absence of small children the dogs were the fun and diversion. Monday night we attended the Airforce band at the theatre. Again no photos, but it was a good show.   Next Saturday, I am going to a show of Celtic music with Romina, looking forward to that we don't get much of that type of music here  Daphne from Argentina(Be sure Daphne to bring the camera to the Celtic Music Show!)

Catskills - USA -- Bea wrote in to say that  they have sold their house, closing is June 25th and that they found a nice double wide mobile home in an adult park closer to her son, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, big kitchen with a pantry. large living room central air, so pretty, at a nice price.  (Great news Bea .... and we look forward to pictures.)  Also congratulations are in store for her son, Earl, who got a promotion at Walmart.  Earl is now the manager of a large Walmart store where he will work 3 days on then 3 days off.  Bea is rightfully so proud of him to work himself up to the top.  (Congratulations Earl)

My much older brother Wayne and his lovely wife Jenny have a question for you ..... 

Here’s a question for you.  When a couple has been married for 43 years +  the husband has a birthday in January, the wifes’ is in March + their anniversary is in April what do they do for gifts????????????   The answer is simple – they combine the events and book a trip to Las Vegas to celebrate!!!!!!!  That’s exactly what Wayne & I did.  We just got back from a 4 day trip to Sin City.

Was it expensive?  Not at all.  Over the years we’ve become expert budget travellers.  The key is to know your budget; know what activities you want to do & see.  By booking the flight using Air Miles and calling the hotel direct on their 1-800 line we celebrated both our birthdays & our anniversary for under $500 cdn.  We even had travellers cheques left over from last years trip.

Our weather averaged +25 to 30C each day with clear blue skies.  Even at 11:00 pm it was still +23C!!

It must’ve been spring break down there because there were plenty of fellow tourists.

It’s pretty hard to stay at a hotel/casino and NOT gamble so we gave some slot machines a work-out.  We won some and lost some.  Come to think of it, we must’ve won more than we lost because we came home with some travellers cheques. 

All in all we had a great trip and are already planning our next get-a-way.  

Yes I know the newsletter was late again and I am so very sorry but here is the reason why?  A day at the fair with Rebekah and family!!!!!!!!!!  After the fair Paul & Kendra came over to help with the chores.  There was laundry being folded, the lawn was being mowed and the puppies whelping box was disassembled.  All the puppies, except for the two little girls that Yvonne decided to keep from the beginning have gone to live with their humans.  We miss them but we know they are going to be well cared for.

 In closing Lena would like you to enjoy these Aerial Panoramic Views on any one place and enjoy.. .... what a wonderful way to tour the world from your computer chair!  Each one takes a few minutes to load but well worth the wait.